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Saturday 12 November 2016

MADHUSHALA Book reviews



MADHUSHALA  is wrote by on of the great Indian Poet,Writer, was  Dr. HARIVANSH RAI BACHCHAN.

MADHUSHALA IS  one of the most famous poet in the present time and also in his day too. 
Dr. Harivanshrai Bachchan

Harivansh Rai Bachchan Srivastava alias Nayi Kavita literary movement of the 20th century Hindi literature was a noted Indian poet.Bachchan was born on November 27, 1907 Allahabad, Pratapgarh district, a small village close to the family, was born in Babuptty a Kayasthas. His father's name and mother's name Pratap Narain Srivastava was the goddess Saraswati. These childhood Bachchan was called 'literally means' child' or the child. Later, it was known by the same name.
 He learned Urdu Kayasthas first in school at that time was considered the first step for a law degree. He in English from the University of Allahabad. M. a. In English Literature from Cambridge University and a noted poet W. B Yeats poems researching pH. D


Bachchan's great collection, 'Madhushala', is often thought to be a great admirer of wonder solutions himself. It is wrongly believed that the creator of one of the most famous poems on wine (Madhushala), never drank liquor. In fact, he had never drank liquor till he completed Madhushala. He started drinking, although sparingly, later in his life, a fact that he admits to in his autobiography.

Thursday 10 November 2016

GODAN by Premchand



GODAN is the novel written by the MUNSHI PREMCHAND in 1936. this novel is based on the socio-economic deprivation.
The story of Godan is revolve around the poor farmers of the villages who are unable to pay tax and loan to their zamindars.

Image result for godan premchand   godan by premchand 


The story rotates around numerous characters speaking to the different segments of Indian people group. The worker and rustic culture is spoken to by the group of Hori Mahato and his relatives which incorporates Dhania(wife), Rupa and Sona (girls), Gobar (child), Jhunia (little girl in-law). The Story  of godan begins from a point where Hori has a profound yearning of having a dairy animals as different a huge number of poor workers. He bought, on obligation of Rs.80, a cow from Bhola, a cowherd. Hori attempted to cheat his siblings for 10 rupees. This thus prompted to a battle between his better half and his more youthful sibling, Heera's significant other. Envious of Hori, his more youthful sibling Heera harmed the dairy animals and fled in light of the dread of police activity. At the point when the police came asking the demise of the cow, Hori took an advance and paid the reward to the police and could tidy up his more youthful sibling's name. Jhunia, the girl of Bhola, was a dowager and stole away with Gobar after she got pregnant by him. As a result of the dread of the activity from villagers Gobar additionally fled to the town. Hori and Dhania were not able toss a young lady conveying their child's youngster and gave her security and acknowledged her as their little girl in-law. The town Panchayat fines Hori as his significant other handles the individual assault of the Pandit on them for shielding Jhunia. Hori again is constrained to take a credit and pay the punishment. Hori is in colossal obligation from nearby cash moneylenders and in the end offered his little girl Rupa for insignificant 200 rupees to spare his familial land from being unloaded on account of his failure to pay arrive impose. In any case, his assurance to pay those 200 rupees and to have a bovine to give drain to his fabulous child, prompts to Hori's demise in light of exorbitant work. When he is going to pass on, his better half Dhania took out all the cash she had (1.25 Rupees) and made Hori pay the minister for the benefit of Godan .This inevitably satisfies the customary dream of Hori yet at the same time his craving to pay back the rupees 200 to his child-in-law and to have a dairy animals to nourish the drain to his grandson stay unfulfilled. Hori is appeared as a run of the mill poor laborer who is the casualty of conditions and have every one of the inadequacies of regular man yet notwithstanding this, he remains by his trustworthiness, obligations and judgment when time requires. He is indicated dead in part fulfilled and halfway unsatisfied.

Theme Of The GODAN
 the story of godan is  involve various theme in various different ways. these are:-
  • Problem due to caste segregation.
  • exploitation of the lower class by zamindars.
  • The account speaks to the normal Indian rancher's presence under pilgrim lead, with the hero confronting social and medieval misuse.